Monday, July 2, 2012


So I tried out one frosting recipe, but forgot to take some pictures.  It was Greek yogurt, egg whites, gelatin, and some powdered milk.  I first tried the frosting after they were baked, but it didn't harden like I wanted.  The next time I put it on before baking and it hardened a lot.  In fact the outside of those got really hard.  The next batch I might see if I throw it on right in the middle as see if that will work.

UPDATE:  I tried adding the frosting about halfway through baking, and it actually turned out pretty well.  Sadly the frosting didn't stay white, but I imagine if I had some pet friendly food coloring it would stay whatever color I use.  Of course I've heard that regular food coloring is bad for dogs.  I'll have to find something much more natural.

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